Event Category :
Kisan Mela
Venue :
Poitanda Ta Georai Dist Beed
Description :
350 Participients were present during the programme on 5 Dec 2016. 250 Soil Health Cards were distributed.
Public representative who attended the sammelan are as follpws
1. Shri. Govindrao Deshmukh, EC Member, VNMKV, Parbhani.
2. Shri Suresh Hatte, Ex ZP Member, Beed
3. Shri. Rahul Shingane, Sarpanch, Talwada Ta. Georai, Dist Beed
4. Shri. Dr. Sayed Ismil, Assoc. Prof. SSAC, VNMKV, Parbhani
5. Prof. A.V. Gutte, PC, KVK, Khamgaon
6. Shri. Bhaskar Kolekar. PD, ATMA, Beed.
7. Shri. B.M. Gaikwad SAO Beed
8. Shri. H. B. Phad. SDAO, Beed.
9. Shri. S.V. Talekr, SDAO, Majalgao
10. Shri. S. S. Hajare, SDAO, Ambajogai
Extn Material distributedduring the programme/Distribution of folder on
1. Soil Health and Soil Testing
2. Tur Cultivation Technoogy
3. Gram Cultivation Technology
4. Sericulture
Contact Person Details
Dr D B Kacchave
SMS Horticulture