Event Category :
Kisan Mela
Venue :
ARS Campus, KVK, Sriganganagar
Description :
PMFBY Kisan Mela organized on 04.04.2016. Chief Guest Sh. Nihal Chand, Central Minister of State for Punchayat Raj., Govt. of India, New Delhi, Chaired by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor SKRAU, Bikaner Prof. BR Chimpa, others were Dr. PP Rohilla, PS, ATARI, Jodhpur, Director Research, SKRAU, BKN, Director Extension, SKRAU, BKN, ZDR, Jt. Director(Ag), DD (AG), PD (ATMA), Jt. Dir (Vet.) All Heads of line Deppt., All Scientists of KVK and ARS, 200 Field Supervisors, 3000 Farmers, 65 stalls of input dealers, Farm implements & Machinery. Guests and farmers did field visit of research farm. Kisan Gosthi regarding PMFBY and Kharif crops technology & Farmers Scientist Interaction were organized. Bankers also attended the programme. PMFBY film was shown and award were given to progressive farmers. Technical folders of latest Agricultural technologies were distributed to farmers.
Contact Person Details
Dr Seema Chawla
Assistant Professor (Home Science)