Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra premises
Description :
KVK Pilkhi, Mau organized Kisan Kalyan Diwas 2018 jointly with Dept. of Agriculture, District Mau at KVK premises. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Devendra Yadav, Bhartiya Janta Party Zila Prabhari, and presided by BSA, Mau. The dignitaries were welcomed by Senior Scientist & Head of KVK Dr. V.P. Singh. The chief guest and other dignitaries visited the exhibition stalls exhibited by various line departments. The KVK also exhibits 0.2 ha model of vegetable crops specially summer cucurbits and okra, tomato and brinjals at KVK premises. During the technical programme, various lectures were delivered for doubling farmer’s income by KVK scientists and line departments. Other technical issues like ill effect of burning of crop residue, soil health card, good agricultural practice, more Crop per Drop, post harvest losses, value addition and livestock enterprises were also discussed during the Diwas. More than 120 officials and progressive farmers benefited with the Diwas.
Contact Person Details
Dr. V. P. Singh
Senior Scientist and Head