Event Category :
Vocational Training for Youth (More Than 4 Days)
Venue :
SVPUAT, Meerut university
Description :
Training conducted on 'Skill development on commercial goat production for self employment and income generation' for the 22 farmers at SVPUAT, Meerut university . During the entire training 83 lectures on various topics by the expert in their field of Animal nutriton,LPM,MEDICINE, MICROBIOLOGY, ANATOMY,SURGERY, PARASITOLOGY, GYNECOLOGY, EXTENSION etc were delivered to the farmers. Bank officials NABARD(DDM) and Union bank managers also delivered their lectures on goat financing schemes. Farmers learned practical demonstrations on daily goat farm routines, housing, ear tagging, castration, temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate measurement, balance feed formulations and project formulation for submitting proposal to banks by the farmers etc. A exposure visit to CIRG,Makhdoom and DUVASU , Matura also organized for the farmers
Contact Person Details
Dr. Sonika Grewal