Event Category :
Skill Development Training
Venue :
KVK, Latur
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Latur (MS) and ATMA, Latur organized a Six day training programme on “Integrated Dairy Development” for the Rural youth of Latur district under the progrqamme Skill training for Rural Youth (STRY) to impart skill based training on dairy development to promote employment in rural area. The training programme was organized at KVK, Latur during the period 22-27 October 2018.This Six days training programme was inaugurated by respected Shri. D.L. Jadhav, Project Director, ATMA, Latur in presence of Dr. S.S.Digrase, Senior Scientist And Head, KVK, Latur, Dr. P.V. Padghan, Asociate Professor, College of Agriculture Latur, Dr. Salunke S.B, Programme Assstant (Veterinary), KVK, Latur and Kazi Nadim, SMS (Horticulture), KVK latur. For the technical session Dr. B.S. Borgaonkar, Dr.M.S. Jagtap, Dr. P.V. Padgham, Dr. A.R. Patil. Dr. Salunke S.B., delivered lecture on various topics on integrated dairy development. Total 15 participants were present for the training.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Salunke S.B.
Programme Assistant (Veterinary Science)