Event Category :
Sankalp Se Siddhi
Venue :
krishi Vigyan Kendra Tuljapur, Ausa Road, tuljapur
Description :
In this event the farmers and farm womens were guided by the dignitaries and scientist from VNMKV, Parbhani regarding the new technologies so that they can double their production with minimum input cost. also the exhibition and demonstrations of different implements, KVK activities and technologies were carried out. the following dignitaries were present for the event. 1. Shri Vijay Gangne, President, APMC, Tuljapur 2.Shri. Satyawan Surwase, Vice President, APMC, Tuljapur 3. Dr.P. G. Ingole, Director of Extension Education, VNMKV, Parbhani 4.Prof. A.V. Gutte, Extension Agronomist, VNMKV, Parbhani 5. Prof. K. R. Chavan, Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Osmanabad 6. Dr. R. C. Mahajan, Associate Professor, College of Agriculture, Osmanabad 7. Dr. T. G. Chimanshete, ADO, ZP, Osmanabad 8 Shri. B. L. Patil, Deputy Director, ATMA, Osmanabad 9 Shri. Kothari, DDO, NABARD, Osmanabad 10. Shri. S.P. Jadhav, TAO, Tuljapur.
Contact Person Details
Sachin Suryawanshi
Senior Scientist and Head of KVK Tuljapur