Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
KVK Fatehgarh Sahib, Chaurwala, Baduashi Kalan, Sanghol, dulwan, khamanon, ratoon, Thablan, nauganwan, Attapur, Baduashi Kalan,Sangatpur Sodian and Siduwal, Iserhel
Description :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Fatehgarh Sahib under the guidance of Dr. Vipan Kumar Rampal Deputy Director (T), organized campaign on water saving and paddy transplanting from June 12 to 28, 2019. Maximum villages of the district were covered during the campaign. Dr. Shiva Bambhota, Assistant Professor (Agril. Eng.) suggested farmers to adopt technologies like direct seeding of rice using DSR machine, laser leveler and mechanical transplanting of rice, which helps in saving of water and labour. Dr. Arvind Preet Kaur, Assistant Professor (Horticulture) emphasized on the importance of mulching in vegetable crops for water saving and suggested for the bed plantation for vegetables. Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Assistant Professor (Home Science) elaborated on role of women in saving water. She emphasized on some techniques for saving water while performing household chores. She said reverse osmosis (RO) water purifier which is commonly used in almost every kitchen is a major source of water wastage. This w
Contact Person Details
Dr. Vipan Kumar Rampal
Deputy Director(Trg.)