Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
Badkodha, Malrabas, Kakrala, Dewas, Mandola and Shyampura
Description :
The District Agromet Unit at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mahendergarh, CCS Haryana Agricultural University,
Hisar organized “Farmers’ Awareness Programs (FAPs) on “Application of Weather forecast in
Agricultural practices and Use of Meghdoot mobile app” under the GKMS-DAMU Project funded by IMD.
Total six FAPs were organized in Badkodha, Malrabas, Kakrala, Dewas, Mandola and Shyampura on 19 th
Feb.,03 March, 04 th March, 05 th March, 11 th March and 18 th March during year 2019-20, in Mahendergarh
District, respectively. A total 270 farmers participated in the program. Dr. Ashok Dhillon welcomed the
farmers in the programs. Dr. Divesh Choudhary, Subject Matter Specialist (Agrometeorology) in his
inaugural lecture discussed about the issues of climate change and how to mitigate the adverse effects
on crops by using weather information.
Contact Person Details
Dr. Divesh Chaudhary
subject matter specialist on Agrometeorology