Event Category :
Farmers and Farm Women Training
Venue :
Description :
Horticultural crops are very important for improving the living standards of farmers. These crops i.e. Guavava, Aonla, ber, orange, kinnow, nimboo etc. are also helpful for doubling the income of farmers. Some works are very difficult without hand tools i.e. pruning, cutting, harvesting, shedding etc. There are some hand tools are reducing the time, labor, money & also drudgery reduction. Some hand tools sprayers, self propelled rotavator , harvesters, pruners, palm harvester, shoulder mainter, weeder, chain in saw,hedge, sheer, rakes & shonel, fruit picken, sheep sheer, prusing sheers & secateurs. Cut & hold sheer, grape sheer , water cans, brush cutter etc. By using these hand tools, farmers can earn more fruits in less using of labor, money & time. So KVK scientists are advised time to time of farmers for using of these improved hand tools. Picking & pruning of very laborious work & consumes more times for various operation. So, farmers can advised to use improved hand tools.
Contact Person Details
Er. Rajkumar
SMS (Agril. Engineering)