Event Category :
Group Meetings
Venue :
14th SAC meeting was organized at KVK, Sandhiyur on 29th June 2016. All the Nominated members, including from ATARI, Zone VIII participated and discussed the future of action. Line department officials, bank officials, forestry, animal husbandry, nominated non-official members were participated.
Description :
14th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting was conducted at ICAR – KVK Sandhiyur on 29th June 2016 at KVK Sandhiyur. Dr.H.Philip, Director of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore was chaired the 14th SAC Meeting as per the ICAR norms. Dr. N.Sriram, Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sandhiyur welcomed the gathering. Dr.H.Philip, Director, Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Chaired the session and explained the concept of scientific advisory committee meeting, importance of SAC recommendation and how it help the KVK activities. Dr.M.J.Chandre Gowda, Principal Scientist, ATARI, Zone VIII, ICAR, Bangalore emphasized the importance of SAC meetings and how it will impact the overall activities of the KVK functions.
Dr. N.Sriram, Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sandhiyur presented the report of action taken on the recommendation of the XIII Advisory Committee meeting, key activities of KVK.
Contact Person Details
Programme Coordiantor