Event Category :
Krishi Unnati Mela IARI
Venue :
Aarthi Mahal, Vilathikulam Block, Thoothukudi District
Description :
The programme was presided over by Dr. Hemalatha, AP, AC&RI,Killikulam. Mrs.Sumathi, Scientist delivered the welcome address. During the presidential address she highlighted about the various technologies for doubling the farm women income. Soon after the felicitation address, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India live address through web streaming to the farmers was screened to the visitors. This event was followed by the felicitation address on Importance of doubling farmers income through drip irrigation and recent technologies in Horticulture crops by Mrs.Angaiyarkanni, Horticulture officer, Vilathikulam. Mr.Vijayakumar, Chief Manager, SBI, Mr. Pattathari, Chief Manager, PGB, and Mr.M.D.Ganesh Babu, , Branch Manager, TMB delivered the special address on the Importance of Banking schemes which helps the farm women in doubling their income. They also issued financial assistance for 145 Farm women for the amount of Rs 17,00,000/ during this function.
Contact Person Details
Dr. V. Srininvasan
Programme Coordinator i/c