Event Category :
Other Event
Venue :
KVK Ramanathapuram
Description :
14th Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting conducted at KVK Ramanathapuram on 30.12.2022.Our Respected Director of Extension Education,TNAU, presided over the meeting. The Dean, CSC&RI, Madurai and Principal Scientist from ATARI, Hyderabad, Professor and Head, Dept. of Agronomy, AC & RI, Madurai, Professors from Dept. of Agronomy, Professor and Head, VUTRC: General Manager, Small Industries centre, Lead Bank Manager, Executive Engineeer, ADA, ADH, Officials from Animal Husbandary, Fisheries, Sericulture, Social Welfare, SAC members and entrepreneurs attended and provided valuable suggestions for the welfare of Ramanathapuram district farming community.
Contact Person Details
Dr. S. Vallal Kannan
Programme Coordinator