Event Category :
Venue :
Gurudev Ashram / VIDATA KVK Washim
Description :
Farmers in Washim especially Karanja Malegaon Mangrulpir and Manora block are growing the Cotton crop on 19500 ha with different soil type. The major soil type if district fall under light to medium type are facing low productivity So the project team of CICR Nagpur and KVK Washim along with partner Rashi ltd planned to demonstrate the soil type based efficient early maturing varieties in light medium soil with recommended HDPS CS package among demonstration to increase productivity, a workshopbto share the experience among all stakeholders and farmers a workshop was planned by KVK Washim.
Contact Person Details
Dr SK Deshmukh and T S Deshmukh
SMS Agri. Extn and SMS Agronomy